Angel Falls - the main wonder of Venezuela


Location: Venezuela on the Kerep River
Height: 979 m
Width: 107 m
Coordinates: 5 ° 58'11.1 "N 62 ° 32'11.0" W


Short description

In the east of Venezuela, among the tropical forests of the Canaima National Park, rises a massive flat-topped plateau, called by the local Indians Auyan Tepuy, which means "Devil's Mountain", or "Kingdom of the God of Thunder."

From this summit the highest waterfall on the planet - Angel falls its icy waters. Every second the waterfall passes through itself 300 cubic meters of water brought by the Churun ​​River ("Thunder"), replenished by tropical showers. The river slowly winds along the plateau cut by cracks and ravines, collecting a huge amount of rainwater, but reaching a cliff on the northern slope, it sharply picks up speed and rapidly breaks down. The height of the fall is so great that the water does not have time to reach the ground and in flight is sprayed into the smallest particles, enveloping the green sea of ​​the jungle in fog. The water falls from a height almost equal to the three Eiffel Towers. The tallest skyscraper on Earth - Burj Khalifa in Dubai (828 m) - lower than Angel Falls. The height of Angel during the flood is 929 meters (according to other sources 1054 m).

Angel - James Falls

Angela Located in the wilderness of Venezuela's sparsely populated area, Angela Falls has long been accessible only to the most desperate adventurers. But the local Indians of the Pemon tribe have long known it under the name Kerepakupai-Meru ("Waterfall of the deepest place"). The Indians believed that an evil spirit lived on the plateau that steals the souls of people, and therefore the tribes never climbed to the top of Auyan Tepuy.

In 1933, American pilot James Angel flew over one of the most remote areas of the Guiana Highlands. The yellow-orange boulders and sediments of the Auyan Tepuy plateau glittered in the sun like gold. The pilot decided to mine this gold. After 4 years, he returned again and tried to land at the top of the waterfall, but his Flamingo sports plane got stuck in the mud. The gold digger and his companions had to go down on foot along the slopes that were previously considered impregnable.

The return to civilization took 11 days. There was no trace of gold, but the pilot discovered a waterfall falling down a sheer cliff, and reported his discovery to the National Geographic Society of the United States. The waterfall was named after its "discoverer" - the surname Angel in Spanish pronunciation is read as Angel.

Canaima National Park - a comfortable journey into the lost world

Hundreds of excursions per year are organized to Angel Falls, and due to the inaccessibility of the place, preference is given to air walks... The waterfall can also be reached by the river: first by canoe to the village of Canaima, and then - on foot for 2-3 km. A dirt road was brought up to Canaima, and a small airfield serving tourists was equipped nearby. It offers comfortable hotels, shops and bars. Angel Falls and the surrounding area have retained the charm of a wild place. If you are lucky, while walking on the plane, you can see animals that have come out to drink by the river.

The jungles of the national park are inhabited by anteaters, porcupines, three-toed sloths, giant otters, deer, monkeys, jaguars, etc. The flora is also rich, the slopes of the mountains are full of orchids and bromeliads. Not far from Angel there is a picturesque lagoon of Canaima, into which water from the surrounding waterfalls rushes. The largest of them is called Salto el Sapo, which means "frog" in Spanish. The name is no coincidence: it is the frog that is considered the symbol of life among the Warao Indians. Here, behind the wall of water, there is a huge grotto where one of the most mesmerizing episodes of the film "The Last of the Mohicans" was filmed.

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