Leo Tolstoy State Museum - a tribute to the memory of the author of the most famous Russian novels


Address: Moscow, st. Prechistenka, 11/8
Foundation date: 1911 year
Coordinates: 55 ° 44'34.0 "N 37 ° 35'48.5" E


In the historical center of the capital there is the largest literary museum dedicated to the work of one writer - Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Its funds contain a unique archive - over 70 thousand sheets, written by Tolstoy's hand. The rich literary heritage attracts many tourists, and the Tolstoy Museum is considered one of the most famous museums in Moscow.

State Museum of L. Tolstoy in the former mansion of the Lopukhins-Stanitskaya

History of the creation of the museum

In November 1910, Lev Tolstoy left home and boarded a carriage, presumably to travel to Bulgaria. But he only managed to get to Astapovo. Here the completely ill writer was dropped off at the railway station, and, after a while, he died of croupous pneumonia.

A year later, Moscow decided to create a museum. The first exposition appeared in the private domain of Povarskaya Street. The museum premises were not related to the writer and were very cramped. Although the flow of visitors did not dry out, there was no need to talk about any serious scientific activity.

Then the power in the country changed, and they wanted to close the museum. But in 1918 the People's Commissariat of Education issued him the necessary documents, and the museum began to fully own the writer's estate in the Khamovniki district and the building on Povarskaya.

Museum entrance

Two years later, he was given another house on Prechistenka. It was a spacious one-story mansion built in the architectural traditions of the Empire style with a neat columned portico. The construction of the building was carried out by the famous Moscow architect Afanasy Grigoriev, who, along with other architects, took part in the restoration of the city after the fire of 1812.

On the tenth anniversary of the death of Tolstoy, the museum received its first visitors. It is noteworthy that one of the writer's sons was present at its opening. The famous musician Sergei Tolstoy was the only child who remained in his homeland after the revolution. He lived longer than his father - 84 years and died in Moscow in 1947.

Monument to the writer

In the courtyard of the museum you can see the Tolstoy monument. At first glance, the writer looks somewhat grotesque. He is depicted as narrow-shouldered, with his stomach outstretched, large hands and a huge bald head. But on closer examination, it is difficult to give up the idea that the figure of Tolstoy is very complex and expressive.

Exhibition dedicated to the novel "War and Peace"

The fate of the monument is very curious. The famous sculptor Sergei Merkulov made the monument long and painstakingly from 1911 to 1914. Through external forms, he tried to ensure that the viewer had an understanding of the religious and philosophical worldview of the writer. But the new monument was not accepted by the heirs of Tolstoy, so they did not install it next to the museum.

Until the end of the 1920s, the monument stood in the sculptural workshop, and then ended up on the Maiden's Field. Only in the 1970s, when there were no living heirs of the sculptor left, the monument was moved to the house on Prechistenka and installed next to the main museum.

What's in the museum?

Museum expositions contain many rare materials telling about the life of Tolstoy and his family. In 1982, the writer married Sofya Andreevna Bers. They had 9 sons and 4 daughters, but, unfortunately, five children died in childhood. Most of Tolstoy's children lived long lives.

Of greater interest are the memorial funds in which the things of the Tolstoy family are kept. The beginning of this meeting was laid in 1911, a year after the death of the writer. The funds contain seals and coats of arms of Volkonsky and Tolstoy, personal swords of the writer, icons, snuff boxes, wedding candles and other priceless evidence of the era. It is noteworthy that the old collection is replenished every year.

The permanent exhibition of the museum is dedicated to the childhood, adolescence of the writer and the fate of his famous novels. It introduces visitors to the heroes of literary works and people who lived next to Tolstoy.

A separate exhibition tells about the friendship of the writer and artist Leonid Pasternak, with whom he maintained very warm relations. There are also memorable relics - Tolstoy's glasses, his pen and written paper.

The museum fund of rare books has about 11 thousand items. In the exposition you can see lifetime publications, publications of the writer's works in periodicals and illegal works that were printed using a hectograph. It contains the first published work, which was published in 1852 in the September issue of the Sovremennik magazine and was signed with the modest initials “L. N. ".

The museum exhibits over 500 paintings, among which there are illustrations for Tolstoy's books. The authors of the paintings are famous masters of the brush - Ilya Repin, Nikolai Ge, Leonid Pasternak and Mikhail Nesterov. The halls of the museum house a rare collection of graphic works, many of which were made during the life of the writer and illustrate his works. Visitors can see art reproductions and over 400 sculptures.

Museum funds number about 300 thousand documents related to the work and life of the writer. These are letters from friends, opponents, as well as newspaper and magazine articles of his contemporaries. When in contact with valuable relics, one can see the living life and passions that boiled in Russian society at the beginning of the last century.

Tourists who stroll through the halls of the museum are surprised by the large number of photographs. The museum's photo archive numbers over 26 thousand items. About 12 thousand photographs refer to the writer himself, and the rest - to his environment, places where he has been, literary heroes and their prototypes.

Exhibitions and educational activities

The museum supports the public's interest in the work of the great humanist writer. In addition to creating the main exposition, its employees are engaged in research and scientific work, hold creative evenings, seminars, discussion clubs and conferences. The exhibitions are usually devoted to the work of the museum branches. They are attended by students of art schools and universities, actors and writers.

A group has been created for children at the museum, which follows the pedagogical tenets of the writer. Little students learn French, Russian history, logic, learn the ability to communicate and correctly express their thoughts.

For younger schoolchildren, theatrical classes are conducted based on the writer's tales and historical eras described in his novels and stories. Parents with children love to come to colorful museum holidays dedicated to Russian folk rituals. High school students can attend a series of lectures dedicated to the heroes of the novel "War and Peace" and the pages of the writer's life. For schools, the museum organizes interactive lessons, ABC Day, Natasha Rostova's graduation balls and sumptuous masquerade balls.

Living room

Union of museums

In addition to the main building, the writer's legacy is preserved in the estate museum, which is located in the Moscow district of Khamovniki. This is the house where Tolstoy lived in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The third place is located on Pyatnitskaya Street, in the building in which the writer lived after returning from the Crimean War.

The Tolstoy association also includes the Astapovo Museum, created at the railway station, where the author of the most famous Russian novels died. Another museum takes tourists far from the capital - in the city of Zheleznovodsk. It was opened in the house where the post station was located during the writer's trip to the Caucasus.

Useful information for tourists

The doors of the Moscow Museum are open to guests on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 20:00, on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays - from 10:00 to 18:00.

The entrance ticket for adults costs 250 rubles, for students, schoolchildren and pensioners - 150 rubles. To visit the Khamovniki estate you need to pay 50 rubles. Those interested can take part in sightseeing and thematic excursions. It should be borne in mind that cash desks stop working half an hour before closing.

Monument to L. Tolstoy in the courtyard of the museum

How to get there

The main building of the museum is located at 11/8 Prechistenka Street, 400 meters from the Kropotkinskaya metro station. Buses 12, 255 and m3 stop near it.

State Museum of L. Tolstoy on the map

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